Hi, we're ProvKids!
Who we are...
We base everything we do on the love of the Father, the finished work of Jesus, and the power of the Spirit. We want children to operate from God’s approval instead of striving for it. We invite children to embrace their birthright as sons and daughters of their Heavenly Father.
We believe children have the same Holy Spirit that adults do, not a mini One to fit their bodies. We believe children can operate in the power of the Spirit; they can heal the sick, cast out demons and prophesy; they can read, learn, and teach the word of God.
We believe children’s ministry is one of the greatest entrustments the Lord gives us. We believe children are not only the church of tomorrow but also the church of today. We believe children deserve the best of our efforts and resources and should learn in a nurturing, fun atmosphere. We believe every child should be treated with love, kindness, respect, and honor.

To see every child born again and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Our Vision:
To nurture regular encounters with God’s love and presence for every child.
Our Mission:
To nurture every child’s growth into the likeness of Christ.
Our purpose:
Encounters, equipping, Father’s love and grace, and fun!
Our core values:
Preparing unique arrows to pierce a dark world with Jesus’ light.
Our goal is that, from the time children come in to the time they leave, they hear about and experience the love of Jesus in every classroom. Through games, puppet skits, Bible lessons, music, crafts, and other fun activities, the love of Jesus and His miracles are taught in a way children understand.
In nursery, we want babies to feel Jesus’ love through warm hugs, snuggles, and engaging play. The fun continues in 2/3s as toddlers learn how Jesus loves them through a simple, age-appropriate lesson. By the time preschoolers reach 4/5s, they learn deeper concepts about who Jesus is, that He loved them so much he died on the cross for their sins, and how they can live for Him.
Children then take flight to Elementary, a multi-age environment for grades K-6 built on the foundations already laid in the younger classrooms. Lessons dive deeper into God’s Story, nurturing a growing relationship with God, and highlighting all He does for us - not only in the mundane but in miraculous ways as well!
6th graders have the unique opportunity to transition between ProvKids and Tribes Youth in a way that fits their individual needs. We invite them to step into a student mentor role in the Elementary classroom and begin to serve in various other areas of the church, while also plugging into Tribes events on Wednesdays.

The Signs & Wonders Ministry at Providence Community Church is a partnership with families. It provides a place, through our trained volunteers, where all children are championed, regardless of their abilities; developmental delays, challenges, or disabilities do not deter us from discovering possibilities through Christ. In fact, we believe that miraculous things can come from the most unassuming people and places, and we strive to allow the Holy Spirit to use us to speak life and richness into each family. Our volunteers will support, love, and lead each child with any special need so that parents can participate in service, grow in their relationship with Christ, and volunteer without limits, and their children can experience all that God has intended for them. If the Signs & Wonders team can assist you and your family, please email us and one of our team leaders will get in touch with you.