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The Renovation Project

The Renovation Project is a multiphased faith step that will give our children, youth, and community much needed space for continued growth. It will add a youth room, children’s worship room, three kids classrooms, one adult classroom, and bring much needed organization to our foyer and patio so we can host our church and community well. While our beautiful facility is only four years old, we have been blessed with the problem of outgrowing our kids' space specifically. We are at the place where we will need to turn families away on Sunday mornings if we do not make a move quickly. 


This project will cost $300,000 all together and we are asking you to pray about making a difference with us. Any funds designated to The Renovation Project will be received starting immediately and any funds that go above and beyond our missions commitments for Generosity Sunday (January 26th) will go to this Renovation Project as well.

We humbly ask that you prayerfully give above and beyond what your regular generous giving, to what we believe is a Kingdom project. It’s for the Kids! It’s for Community! We will see this accomplished together.

For additional questions, please contact

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Let's get connected.

We're so glad you're here. Learn more and get connected with us by watching our "Welcome Series".


Visit Us on Sunday's at 10:00 A.M. 

6146 York Road, Spring Grove, PA

Learn more about Soul Care, Baptism,

and our Kingdom Values.

Get connected by attending our Welcome Lunch, Groups Expo, and other events.

Building People through the Presence
of God, the Word of God and the Family of God.

You are invited to come join us any Sunday morning at 6146 York Road, Spring Grove, PA at 10:00 A.M. or click the button below to watch online.




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Whole Hearted Men's Conference

The Wholehearted Men's Conference is an event being held at Providence Community Church on May 2-3 for men who desire to step out of halfhearted living & step into their purpose.


The money we have is not ours. It belongs to God. He has entrusted us with management of it. As an act of worship we give with generous hearts that hope in God and not bank accounts. Please use the form below to setup a recurring donation or perform a one time donation of your tithe/offering.

If you have a prayer request or need someone to stand in prayer with you, please fill out the form below. Our prayer team is committed to lifting up each request with faith and compassion.

Can we pray for you?

We Desire Intimacy With God

We were created to know and enjoy God. We long to experience His heart up close. When we gather, we gather to encounter Him with uninhibited praise and heartfelt worship. We want hearts that burn in response to His love and greatness. (Ps.27:4; 42:1&2; Ps.73:25-28; 84:1-4,10; Gal. 4:6; Luke 10:38-42)

We Live From The Gospel

We base everything we do on the love of the Father, the finished work of Jesus, and the power of the Spirit. Our desire is a culture where we operate from God’s presence instead of striving for His approval. We joyfully call people to  adoption as sons and daughters. (Eph.2:4-10; Gal.4:4-7; 2 Cor. 5:20 & 21; Phil.3:7-11)

We Champion People

We seek a community that: sees the one, values all generations, leads from relationship, welcomes into community, holds honor high, belongs like a family, disciples into health, and celebrates other’s greatness. (1 John 4:7-12; Acts 9:26-28; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Acts 2:42-47; Luke 15:3-31; Mark 12:31)

We Dream With God

We believe that God has incredible dreams in His heart for the Church and He’s inviting us to partner with them. We operate in a culture of faith that believes God for the impossible no matter how big the obstacle or how radical the dream. (Isaiah 43:18-21; Jeremiah 29:11-14, 32:27; Nehemiah 1:4-8; Genesis 18:14; Luke 1:37; Matthew 19:25-30)

You don't have to go through this alone. If you are in need of support, click the button below to submit a need request.

Are you in need of support?

Download The Providence App

Hey Providence family! We have refreshed our layouts and added some nice tools to hopefully make life with us Jesus people more accessible and fun! You can download our app in the App Store by clicking below.

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